
Horse Box Cover

Insurance policies for horse boxes and a wide range of other equestrian needs

When transporting your horse, whether it be a race horse, Shetland pony, competition horse or family pet, it is good to know that you are fully protected should anything unwanted happen.

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Specialist Horse Box Insurance

  • When transporting your horse, whether it be a race horse, Shetland pony, competition horse or family pet, it is good to know that you are fully protected should anything unwanted happen. It is extremely expensive to own your own horse box, trailer or lorry and it is not just the horse box which costs, there is all the equipment too. With horse box insurance it doesn't matter whether your horse box is at home, in transit or is parked at a show, you are fully covered and protected. If you should suffer a breakdown whilst on the move or en route to a show, then horse box breakdown cover can protect you and offer full peace of mind that you are in safe hands.

    Arkwright Insurance Brokers can help you to find the right horse box insurance policy for you. Using a specialist range of UK insurance providers, we can help you find the best policy for your everyday needs. We can protect you against accidental damage, theft, breakdown and horse recovery, insure you for travel in Europe and also arrange public liability insurance.

    If you would like to know more about our specialist horse box insurance then call Arkwright today on 01204 392 525 for further information or a personalised quote.

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