
Imported Car Insurance

Specialist cover for imported cars

For unusual models of cars that are imported from outside the UK, it can be difficult to find a suitable car insurance policy to cover it on our roads.

With the specialist help of Arkwright Insurance, we can provide you with a carefully tailored quote to make sure you get the right level of cover for your imported vehicle.

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What is imported car insurance?

  • Insuring your imported car

    There’s been a growing trend recently of motorists in the UK looking overseas to find their next car. Whether they’re after a more exotic model not available at home, a car with different specifications or simply a cheaper price tag, the reasons for importing cars are wide-ranging.

    Just as with any other motor on UK roads, though, it’s mandatory to have a suitable insurance policy in place if it’s going to be driven around in public. However, it can be difficult finding the right insurer with the right policy for you, as a typical car insurance policy may not be sufficient enough to meet your needs.

    A policy for an imported car will generally come with a higher premium than standard car insurance. There are several reasons for this being the case, with the main reason being that it can be difficult (and even more expensive) to find spare parts and trusted garages to repair any damage.

    European, American and Japanese vehicles may be built to different specifications than standard UK models. This can result in an imported car having structural or operational differences that will have an impact on insurance premium.

  • Types of imported cars

    The cost of an insurance policy for an imported car will generally be higher than that of a standard one. This comes down to the element of risk and uncertainty that surrounds imported vehicles. If insurers can’t be completely certain about aspects of the car – such as whether replacement parts can be sourced, how much repairs may cost or the car’s overall market value – they may wish to quote a bit extra to cover themselves too.

    Your premium can also be greatly affected by the type of import. There are two main types of imported vehicle according to the AA – these are dubbed ‘parallel imports’ and ‘grey imports’. Depending on what car you have, it may be difficult to find an appropriate policy from a provider:

    Parallel imports are cars that have been manufactured inside the EU and will have the same or similar specifications as those typically sold by UK dealerships. Insurers are more likely to be able to provide quotes for covering these cars, but they will still come at a notably higher premium than you might get with a standard car insurance policy.

    Grey imports are those which were never intended to be sold in the UK and often don’t conform to EU or UK specification. These are typically imported by motoring enthusiasts who are after rare and desirable models from high-class manufacturers around the world.

    This makes it a lot more difficult to find appropriate cover from insurers, as the exact specifications of the vehicle need to be discussed in detail in order to draw up a bespoke policy. For this reason, premiums on insuring grey imports are generally much more expensive than other types of car insurance.

  • Choose Arkwright for your specialist insurance

    When looking for the right cover for your imported car, you need to be sure you choose an insurer who an offer you the best possible quote for your specific needs.

    At Arkwright, we have a team of experts in the field of insurance who have helped many of our previous customers to find tailored policies across a range of specialist areas. By discussing your vehicle and your requirements with one of our team, you can be safe in the knowledge that you’ll receive a competitively priced quote that covers exactly what you need.

    Get your vehicle and driver information at the ready and give us a call today on 01204 392 525. Once we’ve had a friendly chat and uncovered everything we need to know, we can offer you a quote for your imported car that won’t be beaten.

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