
Truck & HGV Insurance

We cover truck and HGV fleets for businesses of any size

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Specialist fleet insurance

  • The Basics

    It is important to be cautious and have protection when you drive a heavy vehicle in the roads. It can be a concern for you, third parties which include other drivers and roadside properties. HGV vehicles and trucks insurance are considered as heavy goods vehicle that needs a lot control. It is a legal requirement that you have your vehicle insured in order to make it eligible for driving for commercial or personal purposes. Even when it is not in use unless you have done the necessities on the legal aspects.

  • What to consider

    The concept of insurance is quite similar to the other aspects of vehicle insurances such as cars and vans with a little bit of variations that would need a bit of special indications.

    The compulsory regulations before getting your insurance would be to have a valid driver certificate of professional competence and operator's license, both a necessity for acquiring insurance according to the law in UK.

  • Three types of insurance available for HGVs and trucks

    Third party only truck insurance (TPO)

    This is a the standard type of insurance that has the basic requirements required by the law that covers the aspects of:

    • Responsibility for injury that is inclusive of yours and other passengers
    • Paying damages to other vehicles involved in the collision
    • Transportation fee for the towing of a larger vehicle

    Third party fire and theft truck insurance (TPFT)

    • Damage recovery in case of fire hazards
    • When your vehicle gets stolen they give you the full cover to purchase a new one or equal cost
    • In case there is a theft and damages when recovered this insurance is liable to cover it up too

    Inclusive truck insurance

    This is an all-inclusive extensive coverage on all the benefits above for circumstances of loss, damage or theft, accidental damage, windscreen cover and medical expenses.

    Truck drivers are monitored according to their driving in order to provide the reliable and most convenient method of insurance that would benefit them and the third parties. New technology inclusive of a tracking device named the telematics truck is a device that is an app installed and used commonly and productively in analysing the ability and performances of different drivers.

  • How exactly does an insurer classify the vehicle as HGV?

    The criteria that they look into to identify a specific vehicle as a heavy load vehicle. The weight considerations varies with different insurers in regard to the weight measurements. Some figure it as a 3 tons, other set is as high of a 7 ton weight container. The purposes that the HGV serves for also impacts the structure of the insurance scheme it deserves. It depends when it carries goods for hire or haulage.

At Arkwright Insurance Brokers personal insurance service specific to you

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