
Liability Insurance

Protect your business' professionalism with appropriate legal cover

Your day-to-day business relies on close co-operation with people, from employees and partners to clients and customers. If any of these people should be affected by things that go wrong in your business, there’s always the possibility that legal proceedings could occur.

Arkwright Insurance has a team of specialists ready to assist you in finding the right liability cover for your business, at the right cost.

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About liability insurance

  • What liability insurance do I need?

    For any business owner employing staff, it is a legal requirement to have an employer's liability insurance policy as the bare minimum. This protects your employees if they should become injured whilst doing their work. Not only that, liability cover also protects your business, as the cost of claims made against the business will be covered by your insurance provider.

    Depending on the type of business you run, it may be appropriate for you to also have a public liability policy in place. If your business regularly deals with members of the general public, there's always a small risk that somebody may sustain an injury or suffer loss or damage to their property whilst on your business' premises.

    Additional types of liability insurance may apply to certain businesses operating in certain ways. For example, if your business relies on using the web to send and receive confidential data, it's a good idea to protect yourself with a specific cyber liability policy too.

    Certain types of liability insurance don't just protect your business from claims made against you. Your business may end up in a situation where you'll need to take legal action against another, but the cost of going ahead with those proceedings can escalate quite quickly. Having a policy in place that can help you with legal expenses or to recover the cost of a client's outstanding credit will ensure that you don't suffer significant losses when you're not at fault.

  • What if I don't get liability insurance?

    As employer's liability insurance is a legal minimum requirement for any business, you could potentially face significant legal action putting your business and your reputation as a business owner at risk. Operating without an employer's liability policy in place could result in you facing fines of up to £2,500 per day, which can cause massive disruption to your ongoing business.

    Whilst other liability cover options aren't mandatory, ignoring them can leave you and your business open to greater risks of having to cover unexpected costs by yourself. This can include any claims made against your business or in cases where you'd need to pursue legal action against others.

    Having suitable liability insurance in place is not just about protecting you and your business financially. When doing business with other parties - whether the general public or business clients - demonstrating that you're covered for certain situations can actually boost your reputation in their eyes. This will help to establish and develop a sense of trust, leading to strong working relationships with your customers and partners.

    Nobody knows when an unexpected accident could occur, so it's always a good idea to prepare yourself for every eventuality. With public liability or employee liability claims potentially ending up in the millions of pounds, having the right insurance policy in place will certainly help to protect your business' finances from taking a massive hit when you least expect it.

  • Why choose Arkwright?

    At Arkwright, we recognise that every business has unique requirements and circumstances. With access to a wide range of insurers, we are able to offer a range of liability insurance policies to suit the needs of any business, big or small.

    Our liability insurance policies are flexible and cover various specific aspects of business, ultimately protecting the people you work with, trade with and communicate with on a daily basis. For more detailed information on the business liability insurance policies available, take a look at our Specialist Insurance types below.

    To discuss your individual requirements with one of our expert team, call Arkwright Insurance on 01204 392 525 today. Through this we can help you to find a suitable and competitive liability insurance quote for your business.

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