
Business Car Insurance

Specialist car insurance for business use

If your job involves you traveling to various sites on a daily basis, you may want to think about getting a business car insurance policy.

At Arkwright, we deal with a wide variety of specialist insurance providers to find the best possible quote that meets your business driving needs.

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About business car insurance

  • What is business car insurance?

    There’s a big difference between using a car for work and using a car to get to a single place of work. When seeking out standard car insurance, you’ll be asked about what you intend to use the car for. Social and leisure use will generally also include commuting to a single place of work, so it wouldn’t be necessary to have a policy for business use.

    Business use – whilst including social purposes – is intended to cover drivers who rely on their own car to carry out a job that involves travelling between sites. Whether you’re a director or salesperson regularly visiting clients across the country, or an area manager needed at various sites or branches, a business car insurance policy can keep you covered wherever you go.

    It’s important to be aware of the distinction between different classes of business car insurance and to also be mindful that these definitions can vary depending on the provider. These classes can range from offering the same cover as a standard car insurance policy but for work use, to providing cover for those who’ll be travelling many miles over the course of a typical week.

  • Adding business use to your car insurance

    When applying for a quote on business car insurance, you will be required to provide all the same information as you would for any other motor insurance quote. In particular, this will include info on your age, your driving history and the age, make and model of your car. Additionally, you’ll then need to provide exact details about your work and why you need to use your car for business.

    One of the most notable difference between standard car insurance and business use car insurance is that your premium will likely be considerably higher that normal. This is because insurers will want to factor in elements like the amount of time you’ll be on the road, driving at busy times and the likelihood of taking unfamiliar routes.

    As the risks go up, so do the chances of a potential claim being made. This means higher premiums are inevitable so you may need to be prepared to pay a bit extra. Before you commit to a quote offer, it may be useful to check with your employer about any reimbursements you may receive when using your car for business. If you cover a lot of miles, it may be possible for you to claim certain costs back from your boss on fuel or general wear and tear on the car.

  • Commercial car insurance and company car insurance

    If driving is a permanent part of your job, it may be necessary to get a policy that covers commercial travel rather than typical business use. Common examples of this include delivery drivers, private hire minicabs and even driving instructors.

    The level of cover you require will depend on your job role, as well as the frequency and distance you might expect to travel. If you’re unsure of the level of insurance you need, Arkwright can help to point you in the right direction and provide an accurate quote based on the information you provide.

    If you use a company car, the situation will be slightly different as your employer should already have a suitable insurance policy to cover this. While you may use it for business and even your own personal use, your boss will generally be the policyholder and you should check with them the exact terms of what cover is in place.

  • Choosing Arkwright for your specialist car insurance

    Arkwright Insurance Brokers work alongside a wide and diverse panel of insurers capable of providing you with standard and specialist levels of cover to meet your unique requirements. By searching through multiple tailor-made quotes, we’re certain we can find you the right business car insurance policy for the lowest possible premium.

    To get started with us today, simply call our experienced team of brokers on 01204 392 525, or click the “Get a quote” button to send us a few quick details so we can get back to you.

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