
Motor Trade Road Risk Insurance

Cover for your vehicles and your customers' vehicles when used in connection with your trade

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Specialist insurance for motor trade

  • If you own a business which specialises in the motor trade, whether full or part time, then making sure your vehicles are covered whilst out on the road has to be a top priority. Motor trade road risk insurance is designed to protect you whilst going about your day to day activity. Whether driving, moving or delivering vehicles, it is good to know that you are fully covered for every mile you drive. Motor repairs, maintenance or sales, we have the policy to suit your individual needs.

    Arkwright Insurance Brokers will help to tailor make a motor trade insurance policy that best suits your requirements and yet still offers a highly competitive price. We don't compromise on the quality of cover either and we can add on all the little extras you may want for your own peace of minds such as public liability and legal protection. Motor trade road risk insurance can be arranged to include buying, selling, delivery, collection, breakdown and recovery as well as covering more specialist fields such as classic car repair or restoration. Insurance cover for any equipment or tools whilst in the vehicle can also be arranged.

    Call Arkwright Insurance Brokers today on 01204 392 525 for a competitive quote on our motor trade insurance.

At Arkwright Insurance Brokers personal insurance service specific to you

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